Let me help you become better at taking the photographs you are inspired to take


Learn how your camera works and how to best handle it in various situations.  Understand the fundamentals behind photography and how they relate to your camera.  Most importantly, learn how to capture the images that you seeing and experiencing with confidence using whichever camera you have available.


Perhaps you are in the market for a camera but are daunted by the options that are out there.  We can go over what it is that you may be looking for and find an appropriate fit for you.


If you have taken the time to view the photos on this site and on Instagram and would like to collaborate or improve your photographic skills, get in touch and we'll make something happen.

Case Study: AJ

Meet AJ

AJ is a good friend of mine.  She was up in Vermont for a visit and wanted to try her hand at a "real" camera - in other words, a dedicated image-capturing device other than her (very capable) iPhone.

AJ has traveled extensively (triple digits in number of countries she has visited!) and was considering using a DSLR camera for her next trip.  She felt that her phone was not cutting it for what she wanted to capture.

So, we put a DSLR in her hands and took her for a spin around Vermont to have her learn a bit about how using a "real" camera compares to her phone.  And, most importantly, if she really needs a camera besides the one in her iPhone.

Hand positioning

Right off the bat we go over the most appropriate, comfortable, and usable means of holding a camera


Might as well get that out there right away - we need to make sure were having fun during the learning process!

Location and Personal Interest

We take advantage of the physical locations we have access to and determine the photographs most interesting to AJ.  Everyone sees the world in a distinct manner and is attracted to different things.  Though a larger landscape and pond are present in the background of this image, AJ was taken by the flowers and the buzzing bees, so we concentrated on her interest to improve her ability to capture the images that she was seeing around her and most appealed to her.

Flow and Adaptability

Not everything will be predictable - be it the weather, time, subject available, wildlife - so we learn to make the best of what is around and emphasize taking advantage of what is presented to us to understand how to take the best possible photographs of what we are experiencing.

AJ will not be able to predict every moment of her travels.  Flights are delayed, clouds and rain dampen outdoor activities, schedules don't always go as planned.  Helping AJ feel prepared to take images during such circumstances will allow her to smoothly capture those experiences even if things around her are not going so smoothly.

Overview and Discussion

At the end hopefully we've enjoyed our time taking photographs (see photos below) and felt we have learned something (again, see photos below).

AJ went from holding a camera at an awkward and uncomfortable manner and feeling overwhelmed to confidently carrying her new image-taking device and capturing the images she was seeing around her.  

You'll notice that in this photograph, she is holding her cell phone.  We determined that, for her purposes, using the camera she already had - her phone - was the most economical means of recording, and sharing, her travels.  

Mentorship is an investment.  AJ learned about general photography concepts, learned to take better photos, and determined that it was better to save quite a bit of money on a purchase of a camera and put it towards her education in photography and travels instead.

The student as instructor

Enjoying every moment


Send Paul a message to set up a mentorship session

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