Paul Contino | Photographs - Photoletter 38

Paul Contino | Photographs

Photoletter Issue No. 38 | August 2024


A roadside pause along a stretch of brilliant poppy blooms among rolling wheat fields, basking in the warmth of an aestival afternoon sun.

Grab a beverage of your choice and enjoy a stop at a new coffee shop, the anticipation of travel by train, and the inevitable appearance of a single bird in this mid-summer photoletter.



Every once in a while a goldilocks cafe comes along that fits just right.

Arbutus Cafe pictured here happens to be one of those caffeinated havens among a well-preserved residential neighborhood of canuck Vancouver.

Walking among restored heritage dwellings one stumbles upon an inviting baby blue façade adorned with weathered sanguine awnings and a tree-lined street.

An inviting entryway presents itself as an open corner section of the coffee shop, large single pane windows and old-fashioned hand-painted signage impressing a feel of soda fountain nostalgia.

Outdoor seating lines the front and side of the cafe adding a European flair under the awning spaces.

Stepping inside one finds a dark solid wood interior illuminated by ample daylight flowing in through the windows.

A high barstool section lines the left side along a front window pane, tables scattered about the middle, and small round two-tops line the interior wall on the right.

Ahead a barista awaits your order (patiently for those that are unfamiliar with the array of drinks, baked delights, and fresh food offerings) with a backdrop of a hand-chalked menu and cafe paraphernalia.

Fresh and delectable baked goods line a glass-covered cabinet at the main coffee bar, while prepared sandwiches, overnight oats, and parfaits are encased in one to the right.

Local artistry adorns the wall spaces not already reserved by cafe menus or open window space.

It’s a local spot, evident by the interchanges between those working and those patronizing Arbutus, but one pleasant and inviting to new arrivals.


A postcard depicting a winter view of the Norwegian town of Sakrisoy on the island of Lofoten

The anticipation of a journey by train.

If I had a postcard made from a recent photograph I think I may choose this one.

Down the platform a couple captures the commencement of their travels on their phones as the engine rolls into the station stop.

The gentleman in the foreground ends up chatting the entirety of the journey (on his phone) with a daughter of his about having never traveled by train before, expressing the excitement in taking one to see family, and of the ease and comfort compared to traffic and driving himself.

Unpictured are two women unsure as to where to board the train, searching as to which direction it would be coming from, concerned if we were at the right waiting area … anxious for their travels to begin (and not miss them).

A postcard with space for stories of travel to send and share with another.


I’ll leave you with a recurring and unexpected theme in much of my photographs: the appearance of a single bird.

It’s frequently only upon a review of images that I notice a sole avian occurrence.

One day a “one bird” collection will be published as an homage to all these solo fliers captured along the way.


Watching: The Olympics (and one photographer’s experience)

Interested in: Learning more languages

Reading: Any recommendations?

Hope everyone

is weathering the summer well!


See something you like? Most images can be made into artwork - paper prints, metal prints, canvas - for display in home or office or as a gift. Send me an email and we can discuss!

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